2024, Year of the Dragon
Looking to the future, it’s difficult to comprehend what’s in store for 2024. For the past year, my guides have kept me so bloody in the...
2024, Year of the Dragon
Tapping into the Dark Feminine… 🖤
What happens when we pass over?
Merging Energies and Exploring New Realms…
✨ M E M O R I E S ✨
Listen to the whisper…
Tap in and tap out…
Transition Phases...
Post Full Moon Energy August 2019
Energy Portal...
What are you plugged into?
All in this together...
Welcome to Hogwarts, here is your spiritual manual...
Galactics, Archangels and Hogwarts...
Light work isn't always so light...
Kindness is a language we can all speak...
Self Love...
Bump in the night…