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Listen to the whisper…

Writer's picture: The Wild HealerThe Wild Healer

2020 has given us the most golden opportunity of all, the chance to redesign our lives the way we want it to look.

Typically, back in the pre-pandemic days, we would revel in moaning about the ‘New Year, New Me’ movements. The month of January would see the gyms fill up and memberships for Yoga and Pilates studios would max out, but now what?

Half of the world is in lock down and we are still without direction for the year ahead. So, how as individuals do we navigate towards progress with everything looking so different?

We as a ‘Race’ (yes, pun intended) are always wanting to improve and move forwards, but alas! Where are we headed?

The urge and drive for us to progress in what was once ‘normal’ has been entirely thrown out of the window. The scene for 2021 is starting to look a little like the Cheshire Cat talking with Alice in Wonderland:

Alice: ‘Now let’s see, I wonder which way I ought to go’

Cheshire Cat: ‘That depends on where you want to get to’

Alice: ‘It really doesn’t matter as long as I can…’

Cheshire Cat: ‘…then it really doesn’t matter which way you go.’

So, with this clean canvas in front of us, what are we wanting to throw at it?

What are we really able to achieve? What do we actually want to achieve?

Have our core values changed in the ‘2020 learning experience’?

I’ve noticed in clients that there is much contemplation regarding change of careers, particularly working in areas that help people. Creative energies and artistic pursuits are on the rise too. Not to mention a whole bunch of awakened baby witches and lightworkers are stepping into their powers; meaning there are going to be more prophets and healers to help out!

Unfamiliar ground, to the untrained eye may look terrifying; but those with a wanderlust heart, will see an opportunity to experience something new and amazing.

When you ground, anchor and seek to align with your higher self, you will slowly start to hear the faint whispers of what you already know. The thing that has been calling you since birth, the voice we have tuned out or not allowed ourselves to listen to, is becoming louder.

Can you hear it? What is it telling you?

Let go of fear, we have endured enough of that to last a lifetime! 2021 isn’t about rushing in and being ‘fearless’, more rather being unafraid to make the difficult changes that will move us towards our true selves and back to the path we wandered away from.

There are many different ways to go about achieving these new goals.

My advice to clients, almost every day is:

Buy yourself a pretty notebook and write a list of what you want for yourself.

It doesn’t matter if its career oriented, fitness goals, emotional shifting or even pretty shoes you want to buy on the internet! Get it down on paper, then work through it like a bucket list.

If you are still at a loss with putting pen to paper, then sit quietly and check in with yourself. How do you feel? What do you need? What do you want?

By being present in the here and now, you can calm a lot of anxiety about what is to come. Which ultimately will help you to navigate forwards because you have a better understanding of what makes you feel good.

My door is always open for Healing if you need a little extra release or pull into alignment. Shoot me a message and book a session to help get you back on track.

Let’s get you hearing your inner whispers and turn them into clear cut voices that give you the direction you’ve been searching for.

Sending love, as always.


~ The Wild Healer ~


Celestial Reiki • Tarot Card Reading • Crystal Sound Bath • Animal Communication & Healing • Lessons Of The Light

Picture Credit: @fotosto_vk


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